Wagner-Connery act
Robert Ferdinand Wagner
The Wagner Act (1935) recognized employees' rights to form unions and bargain collectively.
The Wagner Act, otherwise known as the National Labor Relations Act accomplishes a number of things, but in general, it prohibits employers from interfering with unions.
The National Labor Relations Act or Wagner Act of 1935 increased membership in labor unions. The act guaranteed the right of workers to form unions.
The Wagner-Connery Act of 1935.
The Wagner Act was also called The National Labor Relations Act of 1935. It disallowed employers from interfering in employee unions.
The Wagner Act was implemented in 1935 and is still used today. It was successful at protecting workers from interference of getting involved in unions.
the National Labor Relations Act (or Wagner Act after Senator Robert Wagner of New York), and the Social Security Act.
The Wagner Act guaranteed labor the right to bargain collectively on equal terms with management for the first time ever.
The Wagner Act