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The person holding the Office of the Lieutenant Governor is the Queen's representative in different parts of the Commonwealth. The Lieutenant Governor carries out constitutional, social and ceremonial duties.

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Q: What is the Office of the Lieutenant Governor?
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How do the lt governor and the vice president compare?

In many ways the office of lieutenant governor is comparable to the office of the vice president of the United States. The office of lieutenant governor is put into place as a successor to the governor, when the governor cannot fulfill the duties of his office.

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The Lieutenant Governor.

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If the governor of Wyoming dies while in office, the lieutenant governor will take their place. The lieutenant governor will stay in office until a new election.

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The current Lieutenant Governor of Alaska is Mead Treadwell. Treadwell assumed office as Lieutenant Governor of Alaska on December 6, 2010.

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The current Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi is Tate Reeves. Reeves assumed office as Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi on January 10, 2012.

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The current Lieutenant Governor of Missouri is Peter Kinder. Kinder assumed office as Lieutenant Governor of Missouri on January 10, 2005.

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The current Lieutenant Governor of Nevada is Brian Krolicki. Krolicki assumed office as Lieutenant Governor of Nevada January 20, 2007.

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The current Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska is Rick Sheehy. Sheehy assumed office as Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska on January 24, 2005.

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The current Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey is Kim Guadagno. Guadagno assumed office as Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey on January 19, 2010.

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The current Lieutenant Governor of Ohio is Mary Taylor. Taylor assumed office as Lieutenant Governor of Ohio on January 10, 2011.

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The Minnesota Governor elected to the 2015-2019 term is Mark Dayton (D).

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Dennis Daugaard took office as Governor of South Dakota on January 8, 2011. He had previously served as Lt. Governor for 8 years under Governor Mike Rounds.