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Q: What is pure democracy?
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Does the US have a pure democracy?

No, the United States does not have a pure democracy. It is a democratic republic where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This system allows for a balance between direct democracy and representative democracy.

How is representative democracy different from a pure democracy?

In a representative democracy, people vote for representatives to vote on specific issues on their behalf.

Is democracy practical?

In its pure form, in modern nations, no.

Which government had most pure democracy?

Athens-------APEX =)

Why does pure democracy have no cure for mischief of faction?

Pure Democracy cannot cure the mischief of faction because if the faction is a majority, than they will pursue their interests at the expense of national welfare.

What are the goals of feminism in moroco?

To make a pure democracy in Morocco .

What do citizens in a democracy do?

That depends on the State's constitution, if it has one. But in a pure, absolute democracy, all citizens are granted the right to vote.

Why did the new state prefer a republic rather than a democracy for their government?

because the republicanism is better than pure democracy

Which ancient city-state is an example of a pure democracy?

Ancient Greece

Is a republic a democracy?

Democracy means "rule by the people". Republic means "rule by elected officials". Since the officials in a republic are elected, it is a form of democracy. Not all democracies are republics (direct democracy is not), and not all "republics" are actually democracies ("Islamic republics", for example). The United States is a republic and representational democracy.

The founding fathers did NOT want a pure democracy because?

Because a pure democracy leads to a dictatorship. Rather, a democracy based on limited government would allow everyone's rights to be respected. For example, in a pure democracy the minority (49.9999%) is subjected to the majority (50% plus 1) for example, in a pure democracy all the right-handed people could call for anyone left-handed to be executed and there would be nothing that the left-handed people could do to stop it. But with limited government, the government would be denied the right to execute people based on such silly things.

What Asian countries are example of pure democracy?

having to decide for yourself what the laws are