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The latino population in the United States is large and rapidly growing.

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Q: What is one reason that political parties and politicians view Latinos as a critically important group?
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Why do Political candidates consider Blacks and Latinos important groups?

Both Parties would like to get more votes from these groups, but the Democrats get most of their votes at present because of their more social legislation for borht groups and their liberal immigration policies for Latinos.

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Latinos ages 18-29

What does te gustan los Latinos mean?

It means "you like Latinos".

What is the plural for Latino?

Latinos is the plural of Latino

What does Los Latinos mean in spanish?

The Latinos (a group of people of Latin descendancy)

What race do Latinos prefer?

Everyone has different tastes. All latinos are not the same.

What is the history of Latinos in America?

Are Latinos include people all around the world who speak English and Spanish fluently? No, Latinos are people from Latin America

Where are the cultural roots of Hispanics and latinos?

Spanish, indigenous and some African for some latinos.

What are the release dates for 100 Latinos Dijeron - 2013 100 Latinos se unieron 1-60?

100 Latinos Dijeron - 2013 100 Latinos se unieron 1-60 was released on: USA: 10 October 2013

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Huron, California incldes more latinos in the U S.

What is Ecuadors culture?

It is Latinos! =]