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Q: What is money given to political parties that is used to inform the public about issues?
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What is money given to the political parties that is used to inform the public about issues?


What is money given to political parties that used to inform the public about issues?


What is money given to political parties that is used to inform public about issues?


What is money given to political parties that is used to used to inform the public about issues?

Public funds are the monies given to the various parties for education purposes. The parties are then responsible for using the funds to create awareness among their constituents.

What is money given to political parties that is used to inform the public?


What is money given to political party's that is used to inform the public about issues?


What are the three ways in which parties and their candidates inform the public?

Explain at least three ways political parties campaign for their candidates to be elected.

What is the role of marketing in the society?

To inform or make aware to the consumer of political, product, cultural, and public issues.

How are political parties and groups similar?

They only area they are similar is that both are concerned with getting their issues passed or in front of the public.

How are political parties and intrest groups similar?

They only area they are similar is that both are concerned with getting their issues passed or in front of the public.

What is the instrument through which the parties formulate convey and promote public policy called?

The instrument through which parties formulate, convey, and promote public policy is called a political platform or manifesto. It outlines a party's stance on various issues, their proposed solutions, and their overall vision for governance. It serves as a communication tool to rally support and inform voters about the party's policy priorities.

Where do political parties get most of their money?

From the public