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Nationalism often carries with it a historic ethnic component or national component that exists independently of current borders of the state. Within such a state, there will, therefore, exist several or more distinct nationalities which each desire different things from the state, sometimes extending to self-rule. However, the state denies this right to autonomy or independence under the mantle of a pluralistic or pan-national ideology. The result often leads to violence between either the ethnic group seeking autonomy or independence and state officials or between the ethnic group seeking autonomy or independence and other ethnic groups loyal to the state ideology.

There are a number of cases where nationalism was successful, such as the creation of Greece, Turkey, Israel, Germany, Italy, etc. However, there are other countries such as Russia, former Yugoslavia (until 1990), India, China, etc. where the designs of the nationalists were frustrated by the state and prevented from being realized. This is frustrated nationalism, when nationalist sentiment exists, but cannot be realized, leading to internal violence within the state and strongly negative feelings from the ethnic group towards the state and any ethnic groups loyal to the state.

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