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The word "alliance" comes to mind. The allied countries are known as allies.

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LEO ;an alliance...

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Q: What is an official friendship with another country?
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Comradehip is another word for friendship.

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What is the difference between relationship and friendship?

A friendship is two people who have no physical desire to be with one another. A relationship is two people who want to be in each others arms and never let one another go. Sometimes people can get confused and be friends who have the benefits of being in a relationship... in my opinion that's not morally right. if you want to have the benefits, they should just make it official and become boyfriend and girlfriend.

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The same reason any country insults another: fear, loathing, friendship, humor, jealosy, apathy, cultural differences etc,.

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Another name is Hellas.Greeks write their country's name: ΕλλάδαThe Hellenic Republic is the official name in English.

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You are my friend - period! is a short declaration about friendship. Me plus you equals a friendship that will last a life time is another one.

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The animal that is used to symbolize friendship is the butterfly. Another symbol of friendship is the yellow rose flower.

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A lot of things couldn't be. For example, citizenship to another country or any official licenses from that other.

What is the telephone number of Philippine embassy manila?

Embassies are official delegations of one country to another country. Manila is the capitol of the Philippines, so there is no need for a Philippine Embassy there.

What country does amistad belong to?

should belong to every country. the word means friendship

Official who rules in place of another?

An official who takes the position of another official is usually called a substitute, reserve, or replacement official.