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Since a social contract is more or less, an informal agreement between two people who share a similar purpose. Marriage could be seen as an example of social contract since it implies a lifetime of commitments that begin with one wedding day and continue to child bearing and child raising, etc.

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A social contract is an agreement between citizens and their leader where the citizens give up certain freedoms in exchange for protection. The Constitution of the United States is an example of a social contract.

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14y ago

The Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by British philosopher john Locke, whose social contract theory stated that a government forms a contract with its citizens. Governments are obligated to defend the citizens' life, liberty, and property in exchange for their loyalty.

Examples in the Constitution are found in the Preamble (insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty...), Article Two (giving the President the power of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military), and the Thirteenth Amendment (abolishing slavery).

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John Locke's second treatise on government

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