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The Republic of Korea (South Korea) is itself a singular and unified democracy. It has no constituent democracies within it.

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Q: What is a name of a democracy in South Korea?
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How do governments of north Korea and south Korea differ?

South Korea is a modern democracy and North Korea is a communist dictatorship.

Why is South Korea a democracy?

Yes, South Korea has been democratic since 1987.

What happen in South Korea in the 1990?

South Korea changed from a military run government to a democracy. : )

Is the form of government practiced by South Korea communist?

NO. It is North Korea that is Communist. South Korea is a capitalist, liberal democracy.

Is Korea a form of democracy?

No, Korea is a country. In fact it is two countries, North Korea and South Korea.

Who are the Enemies of North Korea?

Primarily South Korea and any entity that supports South Korea's right to live in a free democracy ... namely the United States of America! Primarily South Korea and any entity that supports South Korea's right to live in a free democracy ... namely the United States of America!

Why did North Korea and South Korea separate?

Like in Vietnam, North and South had different opinion about government. North Korea is currently a communist country and South Korea is currently a democracy.

What would describe North and South Korea in the 1980s?

south korea began a successful transition to democracy; north korea remained a communist dictatorship

Is South Korea still democratic?

Yes, they are still a democracy.

Why Korea separated into two?

The cause was North and South had different opinion about government. North Korea is currently a communist country and South Korea is currently a democracy.

Why did the US and the UN believe that it was important to defend South Korea against North Korea?

The US wanted to cease the spread of communism in the East.

How did the 1987 constitution help the people of south Korea?

more democracy