A gargoyle is technically a functioning waterspout. In medieval times (and occasionally today), they were carved as grotesque figures to protect from evil spirits. However, the lines have become blurred and people frequently refer to any grotesque ornamental carving as a gargoyle. However, a gargoyle need not represent anything. Any waterspout relieving water from a building is a gargoyle. I am confident of this answer. I have a bachelor of architectural history and a master of architecture and I am a licensed architect.
A gargoyle usually functions as a gutter drainage system, a grotesque is just for decor.
gargoyles also serve as rain spouts, there is a dish with a hole in the gargoyle that collects rain and lets it out of the gargoyle's mouth. gargoyle serve as raiinspouts as well
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Gargoyle is a term that comes from the spout that drained water in most of their throats, and it sounded like "gargling", hence the gargoyle.
You are most likely to see a gargoyle on a historic building or a church, typically on the exterior walls or roofs. Gargoyles were commonly used in medieval architecture to serve as decorative water spouts to divert rainwater away from the building.
Gargoyle in German is wasserspeier.
They serve the same purpose as T.V or movies. They are a form of entertainment.
Gargoyle's Quest happened in 1990.
The Gargoyle - newspaper - was created in 1954.
Gargoyle Games was created in 1983.
Grey Gargoyle was created in 1964.
My children are scared of the gargoyle on the building.