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One aspect of democracy is being able to express yourself more freely there are none there are none

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An elected group of people make laws.

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Q: What is a feature of democracy?
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I'd think democracy. The people are the ones choosing/voting.

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What do you call the feature of democracy in which decisions made by more than half the people are binding?

This is called majority rule.

Was a feature of Athenian democracy during the 5th century BC?

It developed into a direct democracy - unlike the representative democracy of today, where the electorate elects parliamentarians to make laws, the electorate in Athens met fortnightly in assembly and voted themselves directly on the laws and proposals put before them.

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Some features of the social democracy common in Europe are: Free public universities High taxes or Promoting the interests of the working class State-sponsored social programs

What are feature of social democracy that is common in Europe?

Some features of the social democracy common in Europe are: Free public universities High taxes or Promoting the interests of the working class State-sponsored social programs

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