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They are called the [insert issue here] commitee. As in the community cleanup comitee or the anti-drug comitee.

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Q: What is a Political committee devoted to one issue?
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What is a action committee?

Different groups contribute money to political campaigns. One kind of group is called a political action committee (PAC). Members of a political action committee have the same beliefs about certain public policies. PACs also work between elections. Other temporary groups form just to raise money for campaigns. A political action committee (PAC) is a Political arm of a special interest group that seeks to influence elections and public policy decisions. Different groups contribute money to political campaigns. One kind of group is called a political action committee (PAC). Members of a political action committee have the same beliefs about certain public policies. PACs also work between elections. Other temporary groups form just to raise money for campaigns. A political action committee (PAC) is a Political arm of a special interest group that seeks to influence elections and public policy decisions.In the United States, a political action committee, or PAC, the name commonly given to a private group, regardless of size, organized to elect political candidates or to advance the outcome of a political issue or legislation

What is favoring one side of a political issue called?

A Person That Is Favoring One Side Of An Political Issue Is Called An Partisan.

What committees study one issue and report their findings?

Temporary committee

What describes a political action committee?

A PAC is an organization with a specific political motive engaged in raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates.

What is a single-issue parties?

//Previous Answer:It is a party that consists of more than one issue that they discuss in political debates.//New Answer: "A single-issue party is a political party that campaigns on only one issue."

A person favoring one side of a political issue is what?

A person favoring one side of a political issue is typically referred to as having a political bias or being politically partisan.

What is a single-party?

//Previous Answer:It is a party that consists of more than one issue that they discuss in political debates.//New Answer: "A single-issue party is a political party that campaigns on only one issue."

What is a single issued party?

//Previous Answer:It is a party that consists of more than one issue that they discuss in political debates.//New Answer: "A single-issue party is a political party that campaigns on only one issue."

What are pros and cons of committee system?

Some advantages of the committee system include: Congress does not focus on one issue and the committee system allows for a deeper look at each of the bills that are proposed before they are sent to either the full attendance of the House of Representatives or the Senate. One disadvantage of the system, however, is the leader of the committee is chosen by seniority, not knowledge of the issue.

Does the political anchor committee have super power?

No but if you defeat 5 prisoners except the flying one you can fly

What were one issue political parties?

Know nothing and free soil

Committees that are formed to investigate a specific issue are called committees?

In the United States Congress, if a committee is formed to investigate one topic it is called a special committee. Some special committees have had huge impacts like the Ways and Means Committee that started out as a special committee. This committee moved on to become a regular committee and created the treasury department.