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A rare but severe facial fracture.

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Q: What is Laforte fracture?
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Conrad Laforte was born in 1921.

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Conrad Laforte died in 2008.

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Jen LaForte is 5' 5".

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Jen LaForte has: Played Hot Girl in "Grind" in 2003. Played Penelope Pangston in "Mourning After Mirabelle" in 2008. Played Bartender in "The Great Wall of Calcutta" in 2009. Played Monica in "Jamie and Jessie Are Not Together" in 2011. Played Receptionist in "Jo" in 2013. Played Nurse in "All I Want for Christmas" in 2014.

What is a simple fracture and a compound fracture?

a fracture in which skin is intact at site of fracture is a closed fracture or simple fracture whereas compound fracture or an open fracture is a fracture in which the skin is perforated and there is an open wound down to the site of the fracture.

Which is the name for a broken bone?

A broken bone is often called a "fracture" or "bone fracture". Some examples from the Wikipedia entry on bone fracture. * Complete Fracture- A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely. * Incomplete Fracture- A fracture in which the bone fragments are still partially joined. * Linear Fracture- A fracture that is parallel to the bone's long axis. * Transverse Fracture- A fracture that is at a right angle to the bone's long axis. * Oblique Fracture- A fracture that is diagonal to a bone's long axis. * Compression Fracture-A fracture that usually occurs in the vertebrae. * Spiral Fracture- A fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted. * Comminuted Fracture- A fracture causing many fragments. * Compacted Fracture- A fracture caused when bone fragments are driven into each other * Open Fracture- A fracture when the bone reaches the skin * Bug fracture- A fracture when the bone is in place, but the fracture has the appearance of a crushed insect.

What type of fracture has a bone portruding from the skin?

Open....It's called an OPEN FRACTURE.

What type of injury involves an open wound where the bone has torn through the skin?

Open Fracture formerly known as a compound fracture.

What is a open skull fracture?

When a fracture is associated with a laceration or cut in the area of the fracture, it is called an open fracture