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Joe Biden is the vice-presidential candidate

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Q: What is Democratic candidate Obama's personal background?
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What is obamas fav drink?

No one know what he drink because it is personal to him people does not have to know

How much money has the Obamas used on personal business?

It is difficult to answer this question without knowing what you mean by "personal business." Every president receives a salary plus an allowance for expenses related to his job, as well as a budget for entertainment. I enclose a link to the Obamas' 2011 tax return, so you can see how they spent their money.

If Obamas bodyman Reggie Love moved to the White House also And What is his new job title name?

Personal Aide to the President

What are Michelle Obamas kids names?

The Obamas have two daughters: Malia and Sasha.

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He has no "Sons">

What is Obamas point of views?

On what?

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Who old is obamas wife?

she is 45

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