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Declaration of sentiments

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Q: What group demanded increased political and legal rights for women.?
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A political faction would be?

In the US and other nations, a political faction may be described as a group of organized people that make up a certain part of a political party. For example, within the US Democratic Party, a smaller group within the party that focuses on civil rights may be identified as the Civil Rights faction of the Democratic Party.

What is a political group called?

A political group is called a "party" or "political group"

Why are political parties formed in the united states?

So people can show their legal beliefs under a group. People have rights.

What political group was formed to challenge the democrats in 1948 as a result of the democrats embrace of civil rights for African-Americans?

American Independants

What group of Americans demanded that senators be chose by a direct vote?

the Progressives

During the early 1800s which group of Americans received greater political power including voting rights?

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What political group was formed to challenge the Democrats in 1948 as a result of the Democrats' embrace of civil rights for African-Americans?

American Independants

What are the major differences between the states rights and the nationalist view of federalism?

Nationalism involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, i.e. a nation. Often, it is the belief that an ethnic group has a right to statehood.

When was Feuillant - political group - created?

Feuillant - political group - was created in 1791.

What is the difference between individual and group rights?

Group rights are held by a group of people such as a council or board. Individual rights are held by one person and one person only. Historically group rights have been used to breach the rights of individuals.

When was Open Rights Group created?

Open Rights Group was created in 2005.

The political arm of a special interest group?

The political arm of a special interest group is the Political Action Committee, or PAC. This group can legally fund raise on behalf candidates or political parties.