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There have been many governments that have had religious leaders who are also political leaders. This type of government is known as a theocracy. A modern day example of this would be Iran. It is headed by a President, but he takes his orders from religious leaders who are actually in charge.

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Q: What government has religious leaders that are also politica?
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A theocracy is a government that is run by the dominant religious group and where only one official religion is allowed. In a theocracy, the laws are made based on that religion, and the religious leaders are also the political leaders (or have strong influence over the political leaders). A good example of a theocracy is Iran. Some people also believe Saudi Arabia is a theocracy, and so is the Vatican City.

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One known Buddhist religious leader is Ashin Wirathu. Also, two other Buddhist religious leaders include Monshu and the Dalai Lama.

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One can find religious quotes in religious texts such as the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, or the teachings of various religious leaders. They can also be found in religious literature, poetry, and online sources dedicated to religious quotes. Additionally, attending religious services or talking to religious leaders can provide access to meaningful religious quotes.

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Secularist Government, Also known as Seperation of Church and State.

Should religious leaders run for political office?

Religious leaders have enough experience with community services which could serve as their primary knowledge about people's needs. Admitting that it wouldn't compare to other politician's credibility, if we really think about it.. countries thriving in corruption doesn't necessarily need intellectual leaders.. but leaders with a strong moral character; built with dedication and honesty. A religious leader is a man for other people. It might work if he is also a political leader for the people. Not like many politicians.. who are only for themselves.

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This question is unanswerable unless the country is specified (and also, perhaps, the province).