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i think Nicaragua has democracy

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Q: What form of government does Nicaragua have?
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Is Nicaragua a limited or unlimited government?

Nicaragua was an limioted government

What is the government of Nicaragua?

nicaragua is a republic.

How do say the government of Nicaragua in Spanish?

el gobierno de Nicaragua

What was Nicaragua's past type of government?

It is republic

What overthrew the government of Nicaragua?

The Somoza family

What type of economy does Nicaragua have?

They have a mixed, (largely Unionized) economy. Their form of Government was started in 1995 and at that time became a Constitutional Democracy form of government. It should be pointed out that this is not the same as the Constitutonal Republic of the United States. I hope this helps

What type of politic system does Nicaragua have?

Nicaragua is known as a republic. It has free elections and a division of power between its branches of government.

Which contributed least to the breakup of the Soviet Union?

The overthrow of the government in Nicaragua

What type of government does Nicaragua have today?


What was one example of American's use of the big stick policy?

the dispatch of American troops to Nicaragua to protect its pro-American government

What family controlled the Nicaragua government from 1937 until 1979?

the Somoza family

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