I got this from going to google and typing in world flags.
Also, Malaysia, Nepal, Azerbaijan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Turkey, Western Sahara, among others.
The flag of Nepal, the only non-rectangular national flag in the world, contains a sun on the bottom pennon and a sun setting above a moon on the upper pennon. The concept of the sun and the moon on the flag represents the hope of the Nepalese people that the country of Nepal will last for as long as the sun and the moon. The moon is used to represent the concept of Nepalese calmness, while the sun is used to represent the people's resolve.
turkey's flag is all red and has a white cresant moon and a five point star
The flag you would find on the moon is the United States flag, as it was planted there by the Apollo astronauts during the Moon missions.
It is being said that the national flag of Nepalanticipates, that the nation will last as long as the sun and moon is there on earth.The blue border on the flag of Nepal signifies peace, red stands for the color of rhododendron, the national flower of Nepal. The curved moon is symbolic of the royal house and the sun represents the Rana dynasty.
Neither the sun, nor the moon, have specific owners but if you're religious you could say God owns them, or if in a scientific point of view you could say mankind owns the moon because our flag is up there.
The flag remains on the Moon .
The flag planted on the moon during the Apollo missions was the flag of the United States of America.
No. Only Americans have walked on the moon so there is an American flag on the moon.
The flag with a crescent moon and a star is Turkey's flag.
The flag that is red with a white moon and star is the flag of Turkey.
Yes, the flags that were planted on the moon during the Apollo missions are likely still standing, but the harsh conditions on the moon have likely bleached them white from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
The moon represents light ,security,stability,strength,knowledge,wisdom and dependability..The sun represents the central source of light, energy, life,power,fire,warmth,the eye to our solar existance,and judgement.The moon and sun also indicate night and day.moon godess and sun god, a balance between hot and cold.the sun the commander and the moon the neutral witness...Basically what i think it indicates is the flag of nepal as representing the energies of both the moon and sun upon the land of nepal on mother earth.It could also be a blessing to the nation...