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Once the monarchy loses its power and a democratic government is set up, the people begin wondering why they need to support a monarchy and a move begins to abolish it. It usually takes a revolution, a coup or the threat of a coup to strip a monarchy of power.

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Q: What factors would lead a country to abolish its monarchy?
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No, the national constitution of 1791 did not abolish the monarchy. It established a constitutional monarchy in France, limiting the powers of the king and granting significant power to the Legislative Assembly. However, the events of the French Revolution eventually led to the abolition of the monarchy in 1792.

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Some countries that have Absolute monarchy would be Nevada,japan,England,montana,And basicly every country in the world

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Vatican City is the world's smallest country, however it is not democratic, it is an absolute monarchy. The second smallest country, Monaco, is the smallest partial democratic state in the world, it is a constitutional monarchy (republic/monarchy). The smallest absolute democratic state in the world would be Nauru, which is the 3rd smallest country.

What sort of things would a king do?

rule his country , like a dictator .. he has all power the type of government would be a monarchy

What type of government does constitutional monarchy have?

A constitutional monarch would have a democratic government. The monarch would be head of state but would not govern the country.