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They are a service organization and they do things for the communities they live in.

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Q: What does the elks do club?
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When was Passaic Elks Club created?

Passaic Elks Club was created in 1924.

When was Willimantic Elks Club created?

Willimantic Elks Club was created in 1925.

When was Elks Athletic Club created?

Elks Athletic Club was created in 1924.

What is a FOE chapter?

FOE is the Fraternal order of elks. It is a community service club.

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Ghost Detectives - 2011 The Mahanoy City Elks Club 3-10 was released on: USA: 4 September 2011

Do elks live in Europe?

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When was Elks of Canada created?

Elks of Canada was created in 1912.

When was Norfolk Elks created?

Norfolk Elks was created in 1928.

Do the Elks club offer any scholarships for special needs children to attend special summer camps?

I'm not sure where you are from but Texas Elk camp provides camp opportunities to any child with a disability not requiring one-on-one care, who is a resident of Texas. You might want to check with your local Elks club because each division has its own agenda.

When was Elks National Home created?

Elks National Home was created in 1916.

When was Marshfield Elks Temple created?

Marshfield Elks Temple was created in 1919.

When was Elks-Rogers Hotel created?

Elks-Rogers Hotel was created in 1901.