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After World War 2 Germany was dived into half. The western half was under American control and the Eastern half was under Russian control. Berlin lay in the Western half and was divided between Russia and America, meaning that East Berlin was an island of Russian controlled Germany surrounded by areas under American control. Russia was a communist country and people from East Berlin tried to flee to West Berlin and so the Berlin Wall was built to stop this.

Until the east Germans were rescued by pink Floyd!

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Q: What does the Berlin Wall have to do with Communism?
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ยท Destruction of the Berlin Wall

Why is the is the Berlin Wall important?

because the wall was a symbol of the division between communism and democracy

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because the wall was a symbol of the division between communism and democracy

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In the late 1980's. It was in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell that was death of communism.

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Why did people celebrate when the Berlin wall came down?

because it was when democracy toppled communism in germany.