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Q: What does federal republic of government mean?
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What type of government does India have today?

Federal Republic Federal Republic Federal Republic

What is Ethiopia's government?

Ethiopia is a Federal Reublic.Ethiopia's government is a federal parliamentary republic.

Is Germany's type or government federal republic of parliamentary democracy?

Federal Republic

Is federal republic government of Mexico?

Yes. Mexico is a federal presidential representative republic.

What is the government in germany?

a federal republic

What is ethopia's government?

Federal Republic

What kind of state government does the United States have?

Federal Republic.

What kind of government does Rrussia have?

Russia has a Federal Republic government

Federal republic limited or unlimited government?

a limited government

What is Nigeria's type of government?

Nigeria's government is a federal republic.

What does the United States is a federal republic mean?

A federal republic is a federation of states (a union of partially self governing states) under a central (federal) government that is ruled by officials elected by the public. That describes the United States.

Who is the highest leader in the federal republic?

I presume you mean the Federal Republic of Germany. The Ceremonial Head of State is the President, Horst Kohler. The actual head of the German government is the Chancellor, Angela Merkel.