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There are no such things as "Rebulicans". If you meant to ask about Republicans, please see this question: What do Republicans believe in?

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16y ago

A Rebulican believes in Transformers and Ninjas, about believe in Godzilla, and eating McDonalds.

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Q: What does a rebulican believe in?
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What does rebulican mean?

someone who belives in justice and equitly.

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Jimmy Carter was a Democrat.

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republican. and its democratic not demicratic

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is southerns who supported the rebulican party

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The 2000 George Bush vs. Al Gore election, also, the 1888 (Rebulican Benjamin Harrison vs Democrat Grover Cleveland) and 1876 (Rebulican Rutherford B. Hayes vs. Democrat Samuel J. Tilden) elections.

Is the state of Iowa a Rebulican or Democratic state?

Typically it is a Republican state and only eight of its 41 Governors have been members of the Democratic Party. Its two US Senators sit on opposite sides of the aisle and the Governor is a Democrat. In the 2008 Presidential election Iowans chose Obama and the Democrats have a three to two majority in the US House.

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i believe you means i believe you are telling the truth, and i believe IN you means that you believe someone can do something

What is believe in Latin?

Credere (To believe): Credo - I believe. Credes - You believe. Credet - He/she/it believes. Credemus - We believe. Credetis - You (plural) believe. Credent - They believe.

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Believe me, they believe

How do you say believe in spanish?

Creer means to believe Creo- I believe Crees- You (inf.) believe Cree- You (f.) believe, he/she believes Creemos- we believe creen- they believe

When was I Believe in You - You Believe in Me - created?

I Believe in You - You Believe in Me - was created in 1973-06.

What are the lyrics to you Believe in the Sun by Carey Landry?

I believe in the sun, even when it isn't shiningI believe in love, even when there's no one there;and I believe in God; I believe in God,even when God is silent.I believe in miracles, I believe in light.I believe there can always be a way,I believe that nothing is impossible,I believe that nothing is impossible;That all good things are possible with God.I believe in the Son of God; I believe His Way.I believe He can lead us to the light,I believe that He is calling us,I believe that He is calling us;And He will lead us on our way.