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Conservatism is basically a belief in keeping things as they are, and in respect or reverence for tradition and the established social order. Conservatism is prudent to the extent that all change involves an element of risk; you never really know if a change will work out well or badly. Conservatism is difficult to apply as strongly as it once was (although there are people who are trying very hard) because the world itself has undergone vast changes in recent centuries, and old solutions do not work as well as they used to, in a changed world. Technological change, in particular, tends to defeat all efforts to keep things the same.

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Q: What do you understand by the concept of conservatism Why is it also called the concept of prudence Why is it not applied as strongly today as it used to be in the Past?
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What do you understand by the concept of conservatism . Why is it also called the concept of prudence. Why is it not applied as strongly today as it used to be in the Past?

"conservatism in the balance sheet is of dubious value if attained at the expense of conservatism in the income statement, which is far more significant." A branch of accounting that requires a high degree of verification before making a legal claim to any profit. Accounting conservatism will recognize all probable losses as they are discovered and most expenditures as they are incurred. Revenue will be deferred until it is verified. Having strict revenue-recognition criteria is one of the most common forms of accounting conservatism.

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