The main functions of political parties is to conscientize citizens about the nation's political issues. Political parties also help to ensure good governance and accountability.
Political Parties.
Political parties help a democracy by keeping the country united. If there is a large political party ruling over, that party keeps the country united.
a relationship between two political parties which help each other
No, but you can you are not like some what of a spy to help other parties with what is going on.
they need tuh hav foun
you don't need it for fun!
One of the them certainly helps him get elected.
Members of political parties have all the freedom they want to vote against their parties. The reason this is rare is because if the member wants to get anywhere further in his/her political career, he/she will need a LOT of support from the party. And your party will not help you if you try to vote against it on important issues to the party. Nobody wants to be a pariah in his/her own party.
The plural of political party is "political parties".
To help choose candidates to run for office.
To help choose candidates to run for office.