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He was considered a hero in his day and has often been portrayed as one in works of literature.He wanted to engage in an adventure that would cause the troubadours to immortalise his name, as well as guaranteeing him a place in heaven.

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Alaina Beahan

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Dahlia O'Reilly

Lvl 13
2y ago

Richard Lion-Heart went on Crusade to the Holy Land. After several years of fighting, he came within sight of Jerusalem, but that is as close as he got. He concluded a peace treaty with Saladin, and, while returning home through Austria, was taken prisoner, and held for, literally, a King's Ransom. After Price John raised taxes to pay for his release, Richard went on campaign in areas of France. He was felled by an arrow, never returning to England.

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