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Q: What department are the ministers in charge of and who are they?
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Difference between ministers of Parliament and members of Parliament?

A member of parliament (MP) is someone who has been elected to sit in Parliament. A minister is an MP with some executive power. All ministers are in charge of a department of the government. Together they make up the Cabinet, which the Prime Minister is in charge of.

How many prime ministers are in Australia?

There are about 30 ministers and some of the ministers hold more than one ministry/ department.

Who are the Central ministers name with their department?

textiles and employment

Who is in-charge of Uruguay?

President José Mujica (until 2015) and his ministers.

What government department is responsible for Ireland's national budget?

The officials and ministers at the department of Finance and the department of Public Expenditure and Reform, in conjunction with other ministers who try to keep their finances up in their departments. The Irish cabinet will make the final decisions at their meetings before the budget is launched by the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform.

What is meat department?

Meat department is the section in charge of the meat.

Executive department in charge of the nations defense?

Department of Defence

What is the difference between cabinet minister and minister of state in India?

In India, Cabinet Ministers are responsible for government policy and various government duties. Ministers of the State, on the other hand, are considered junior ministers who assist a Cabinet Minister. Sometimes Ministers of the State can have independent charge of the ministry.

What 's difference between department and ministry?

Ministers in countries such as the UK, are Ministers of the Crown, positions reserved specifically for those governments with a monarchy. Departments are basically the same things, in a democracy.

What are pastors?

Christian ministers or priest having spiritual charge over a congregation or other group.

What is the main responsibility of the US state department?

It searves as a foregin policy. Advises the president on the appointment of u.s ambassador, ministers, consuls and others. Informs the congress and american citizens on the conduct of u.s foreign realtions.

Which south Africa department is in charge of the water provision?

department of water affairs