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yes it was

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Q: What date was King Richard III's body found in a car park?
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Why Was King Richard the third in the news?

his body was dug up/found... research 'Findings of Richard III'

How was Richard iii body found?

it was found when some weirdos were trying to be dogs one day in leister and they were digging with there hands and walla the found some poo but they carried on and found richard iii

Why is Richard Owen famous?

Richard Owen put the natural history museum together. he found bones and body's. he was an zoologist.

Who found King Tutankhamun's body?

Howard Carter

Was King Djoser's body found?

Yes, King Djoser's body was found in his step pyramid located at Saqqara. It is believed that Imhotep actually supervised the construction of this pyramid.

Who found king Duncan after the murder?

Macduff found King Duncan's body after he was murdered by Macbeth in Shakespeare's play "Macbeth."

When did King Tutankhamun have children?

he had twins one larger than the other that were found with his body. the gender was not able to be found.

What important items were found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun?

King tuts coffin and body and many old artifacts in gold

Where was the king tutankhmens mask discovered?

King Tutankhamen death mask was found in Egypt 1922 and the strategics who found him badly damaged the body that was not touched for over 3,000 years!

When was Richard Body born?

Richard Body was born on 1927-05-18.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Body of Richard Baker - 2012?

The cast of The Body of Richard Baker - 2012 includes: Ryan Wylie as Richard Baker

When was King Tutankhamun's body?

King Tuts last name was actually Tutankhamun's The mummy of King Tut was found in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. There was a curse on whoever disturbed the tomb of King Tutankhamun!