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Paramount dictators of countries include:

  • The succession of Raul Castro, who took over for his father, Fidel, who has fallen ill and incapable to lead, as President of Cuba.
  • Muammar al-Gaddafi of Libya, who refuses to step down amid air-strikes from the U.S. and France, and rebel opposition.
  • Mahmoud AhmadiNejad, President of Iran, who has been ignoring U.S. and U.N. sanctions against the construction of WMD in Iran.
  • Hosny Mubarak of Egypt, who resigned as President in Feb. 2011, after nationwide riots in response to almost 30 years of political instability and corruption.
  • Kim Jong-il, President of North Korea, who has neglected to submit to U.N. decrees to stop testing nuclear weapons in international waters. Kim is seeking to hand control over to his son, Kim Jong-nam as Jong-il has fallen ill due to old age.
  • Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China, who worked his way up the governmental chain by manipulating the system, from an engineering student to secretary positions and memberships to environmental committees in China, all the way up President. He has imposed laws limiting families and health standards, and is close to Kim Jong-il of North Korea, working with him for personal gain.

To reiterate, these are rulers of countries that have seen nothing but political corruption and personal gain for governmental leaders. They are criminals who have no remorse for the selfish acts and decisions they have made.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is probably the most infamous current dictator.

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13y ago

North Korea is the largest perpetrator of a Dictatorship today. Myanmar is also run under dictatorial control. Cuba and China are as well, though to a lesser extent.

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11y ago

This is more of a opinion question, but as far as a description of a dictator is, probalbly not.

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8y ago

China is a communist country with a dictator. Several middle eastern countries have dictators or monarchs. Africa also has countries with dictatorships.

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11y ago

they usually control all of the state

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Q: What countries in today's modern world have dictators?
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