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Q: What characteristics abot magazines make it effective for use in political campaigning?
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Alexander Pope's "Rape of the Lock".

Why have the national political convention lost the right to choose nominees?

because they have so much campaigning

What are the campaigning role that political party member play in supporting their party?

A political party member encourages others to join their party and vote for their candidates.

What is the correct parallel for the sentence Pasted on almost every tree and pole the posters were intended for political campaigning and to acquaint the voters with the candidate?

Pasted on almost every tree and pole the posters were intended for political campaigning and for acquaintingthe voters with the candidate.Note: If you intend that your sentence refers to "posters" for many candidates, not just one, you'd also need to revise that part to show plural: Pasted on almost every tree and pole the posters were intended for political campaigning and for acquainting the voters with the candidates.The plural would balance a second set of parallelism: posters; voters; candidates.... and ... campaigning; acquainting.

What was one reason reason more people voted in 1828 than in previous presidential election?

There were more people who were eligible to vote.Greater efforts were made by political parties to turn out the vote, especially on the frontier.More time , effort and money was spent on the presidential campaigns and that generated greater interest in voting.

How did the end of the county unit system change the focus of campaigning in Georgia?

political rallies were held less often

What does political characteristics mean?

Political characteristics usually refers to a country's politics. For example, the United States had characteristics of a democracy, while China has Communist characteristics.

What are characteristics of a democracy?

Main characteristics of democracy.Multiplicity of political partiesEnfranchisementSocial equalityPolitical participation of civil citizensDecentralization of political powers

Three negative characteristics of political conventions include?

Three negative characteristics of political conventions include are:FraudBriberyCorruption

What do candidates do while campaigning for an election position?

They actually attend political rallies,meeting to answer questions, and hold press conferences [apex]