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Q: What changes set the stage for European imperialism in Asia and Africa?
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Rural transformation refers to social,polilitical,economic and demographic changes from one stage to another. Rural transformation refers to social,polilitical,economic and demographic changes from one stage to another. Rural transformation refers to social,polilitical,economic and demographic changes from one stage to another. Rural transformation refers to social,polilitical,economic and demographic changes from one stage to another.

Which of these factors motivated European imperialism in the 18th and 19th centuries?

Imperialism, according to most proponents of its causes, is the final stage of advanced capitalism. There was no advanced capitalism until the end of the 19th century. Even Adam Smith wrote about capitalism only in the late 18th century. Smith had no predictions on how capitalism might develop into imperialism.

Characteristics of imperialism?

Lenin held it as the "highest stage of capitalism"

How did imperialism and industry create a western-dominated world economy?

Imperialism and Industry were created by Europeans. They weren't inherently Pro-European or Pro-Western, but the fact that Europeans or Western Civilization (whatever you choose to call it) made them benefit Europe. Other cultures (mostly Asian ones) have used Imperialism to their advantage. Before 1429, China had a massive treasure fleet that they used to map out all of East Africa as well as almost all of the Indian Ocean. But they chose to burn this treasure fleet. Had the Chinese not done this, they probably would have discovered America by around the same time Columbus did. They could have created their own version of imperialism. Similarly, today China is economically colonizing Africa. They are retrieving resources and labor while at the same time gaining influence in Africa. Over half of South Sudan's roads are in Chinese-owned oil fields. Japan formed a Political Colonial Empire during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries and it became a rising power on the world stage. But to answer your original question, European Colonialism (driven by imperialism) is why today we live in a Western Dominated World. For more info, check out Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond.

How did imperialism set the stage for both world wars?

A famous imperialist, Adam Levine, invented new machines to help set the stage for upcoming wars.

Which country in Southwest Asia and North Africa has taken steps to join the European Union?

After the fall of Gaddafi Libya has a chance to join the European Union and may represent the next stage in the spread of European democracy. Turkey is also aligned to join the EU in the future after it's populace rebellion as a part of the Arab Spring.

What stage is Germany in the demographic transition?

Stage 4; the same as most Western European countries.

How did Imperialism set the stage for both wars?

Imperialism is the cause of the first world war. After napleon europes leaders tried to essentially put the egg back together agian, in doing so they created

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What is synchronisation?

is the process of changingfrom one stage to the other stage bythe use of some chemical changes.