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When Edward VI ascended the throne he was a healthy plump with short, light orange colour hair similar to when he was an infant. His eyes were also a beautiful tiger-like golden. By the time he was in his third year of rule, he had lost weight but still remained a nice slim figure. Most historians speak of Edward as a "Sickly boy" but he was in great shape most of his life until he fell gravely ill in early 1553. Trust me I am a historian on the Tudor Dynasty and only that Dynasty. Edward was described as tall, handsome and intelligent. Yet only in his sixth year of rule Edward caught Tuberculosis. Then he was no longer the good looking youth he used to be. His body started swelling severely and a few days before the end of his life, he started producing bad odors. His final words were "I am faint. God have mercy on me and take my soul". Now Edward is finally at rest after a long, painful struggle. His remains lay at Henry vii lady chapel England. R.I.P. Eddy!

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11y ago
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12y ago

He made massive changes to religion:

  • beliefs were changed
  • priests were know told to wear simple clothes
  • priests could get married
  • The new prayer book was in English not in latin
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12y ago

He was a bad king because he was only nine and he had other people like his uncle helping him reign!

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11y ago

King Edward liked; rowing, swimming, and sailing his barge along the River Thames.

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12y ago

he kill alot of people if they will not be procistence

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10y ago

he was quite a cold and ruthless young man who hid his true emotions. He was very pious (deeply religous) (This was wrote by a year 8 student BTW)

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to hunt

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Q: What changes did edward vi do in his reign?
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Edward VI, who reigned from 1547 to 1553, made significant changes to the Church of England, moving it towards Protestantism. He also implemented religious reforms that included the dissolution of monasteries, removal of Catholic practices, and introduction of the Book of Common Prayer. Additionally, Edward's reign saw the introduction of new coinage and more centralized governance.

Was Edward VI popular?

Edward VI was not particularly popular during his reign as King of England from 1547 to 1553. He was a child king with strong Protestant beliefs that alienated many of his Catholic subjects. His reign was marked by social unrest and economic difficulties, making him a controversial figure in English history.

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From the middle of Henry VIII's reign in 1533 to the end of Edward VI''s reign in 1556 and half of Engand was a protistand country during the whole of Elizabeth I's reign.

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Edward Vlll (He only ruled fro approx 2 years when his fater king George V died.) was the brother of King George VI

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The successor to Edward VI was Queen Mary I.

What religion did edward VI try to change the religion to in England?

During the reign of Edward VI (1537 - 1553), for the first time Protestantism was established in England, which included such reforms as aboliton of celibacy in priests. It also saw the birth of Thomas Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer.

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Edward vi (1537 - 1553)

What were Edward vi failures?

Edward VI failed to survive his illness (tuberculosis)

How many people did King Edward execute?

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