You must be in a situation where there is no possible way to reach Mass. For example, like if you were accidentally stranded on an island or you are too weak that you can't go to Mass.
There really is no excuse except it is impossible to go to Mass. If you have for example, a soccer game, you must go to Mass instead. If you skip Mass for something else, you are putting something in front of Jesus, you are saying that soccer is more important than Jesus. _______________ A Catholic Answer (Catholics in union with the Pope) In addition to the above conditions, it is permissible to miss Holy Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation if you have symptoms of a serious, communicable disease such as the flu. Catholics are not obligated to place at risk other, vulnerable members of the congregation such as the elderly, infants, and young children.
There is no excuse for not attending mass. But if you really are on a different continent, and there are no churches on that continent then it can be excused.
The only age at which a Catholic could be excused from attending Mass would not be a chronological age exactly, but perhaps when one is too old or sick to be able to attend Mass and there is no help available. Otherwise, I should think death would be the only acceptable measure!
Yes, if the weather is such that your safety is jeopardized, you have no obligation
.Catholic AnswerYes, a Catholic is required to attend Mass each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. The Church has tried to make this easier by supplying a Sunday (or Holy Day) Mass on the evening preceding, thus Sunday Mass is celebrated in most Churches starting on Saturday evening and this fulfills your obligation.
No, a wedding Mass on Saturday afternoon does not fulfill the Sunday Mass obligation. Sunday Mass attendance is required to fulfill the Sunday obligation, unless a dispensation is granted by the Church.
As long as a person is healthy enough to attend Mass and has the means to do so, he/she is never exempt from Sunday Mass.
Roman Catholic AnswerYes, missing Mass on a Sunday is a sin, if it is deliberate then it can easily be a mortal sin (for those who do not know, one mortal sin is all it takes, if you die with one mortal sin on your soul, you are denied heaven for eternity). It is covered in both the Ten Commandments and the Precepts of the Church, you must attend Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. You may not receive Holy Communion at Mass if you have previously missed a Sunday or Holy Day and have not been to confession.
Going to a mass at 1pm on Saturday does not fill your Sunday obligation.
Generally speaking, No. The Reason being ( traffic control) Sundays have a regularily scheduled line-up of Masses. Church weddings are often conducted on Saturdays, however. Sunday Nuptial masses are generally, Not done!
By attending a live survive on Sunday
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