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the legislatve branch makes the law

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Q: What branch of government makes the law?
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What branch of of government makes the law?

the legislatve branch makes the law

What branch of the government that makes laws?

There are three branches of the government that makes the law and they are LEGISLATIVE BRANCH,EXECUTIVE BRANCH,JUDICIAL BRANCH

What branch are the makes the laws?

law-making branch of government

Branch of government that makes law?


Who makes the law for the United states?

The Government or the Legislative branch

What branch of government signs bills into law?

The executive branch signs bills into law, but the Legislative branch makes the laws in the first place.

In what form of government are the law making and the law executing functions lodged in separate branches of the government?

Legislative branch makes law; Executive branch (president) executes laws.

Which branch of government decided the meaning of the law?

It is the legislative branch of government that makes laws, however it is the judicial branch that interprets their meaning. The third branch is the executive branch.

What makes up the branch of government?

There are three branches of government implemented to maintain the balance of powers. They are the executive branch - the president, the judiciali branch the supremem court and the legislative branch - the senators and house of representatives. Executive - Enforces the law Judicial - Interprets the law Legislative - makes the law

What branch of the government carries out the law?

The Executive Branch. The executive branch (branch with president) makes sure that the laws of the United States are obeyed.

What law making branch of government?

the legislatve branch makes the law

What branch of government makes sure state and local law follow constitution?

That would be the judicial branch.