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It disapeared

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Q: What became Raleighs first and second attempt to colonize?
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Who leads the second attempt to colonize Roanoke island?

John White led the second attempt to colonize Roanoke Island in 1587. He was appointed governor of the colony and sought to establish a permanent English settlement there.

Why did Englands Second attempt fail to colonize America fail?

Because you touch yourself at night.

What island did Columbus colonize in his second visit to the region?

canary islands

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His first visits to French Canada were to trade furs, but on the second voyage he sought new areas to colonize along the Atlantic coast.

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The second Mississippi Plan was an attempt to eliminate African Americans from having voting rights.

What was a significant result of Italian military expansion prior to World War 2?

Benito Mussolini became the ruler of new territories in Africa and Europe

How you call the second attempt the offense has in getting a new set of downs?

Second down.

What happened to Scott Donaldson during his second attempt to cross the Tasman sea?

During Scott Donaldson's second attempt to cross the Tasman Sea, his kayak ended up springing a leak. As a result, he had to return back to shore a second time. He plans to attempt a third voyage in the near future.

What was the second attempt at reducing nuclear weapons?

SAlt 2

When did Sir Edmund Hillary have his second attempt on Everest?

in 1953

Is there an attempt to make a second Titanic in memory of those who where lost in the first?

Not at this time.

What did president Jackson attempt to do to the second bank of the United states?

destroy apex