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Q: What basic Principle of traditional democracy theory is violated when the wealthy have influence far exceeding expected?
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The representative democracy of the United States.

How did Greece and Rome influence Western Democracy?

it never did.

How did sir Edmund barton influence democracy?

Yes he did

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How did influence in south erode?

Influence in the south eroded due to factors such as economic decline, military defeats, and increasing internal divisions. The increased presence and influence of foreign powers also contributed to the weakening of southern states. Additionally, the rise of nationalist movements and the spread of ideas like democracy and self-determination further undermined traditional sources of power in the region.

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Traditional African art had had the greatest influence on 20th century sculpture and painting.

How did Rousseau influence democracy?

Democracy used beliefs based on reasoning and ideas used during the Enlightenment.

What is direct democracy?

Direct democracy is where the citizens directly influence the decisions of the government.This is compared to indirect democracy (which is what the US has) where the people elect representatives who represent their interests in the decisions of goverment.Direct democracy is a form of democracy. This form is people decide policy initiatives directly.

What is direct democracy's?

Direct democracy is where the citizens directly influence the decisions of the government.This is compared to indirect democracy (which is what the US has) where the people elect representatives who represent their interests in the decisions of goverment.Direct democracy is a form of democracy. This form is people decide policy initiatives directly.