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ummm so like ask that question more clearly and it shall be answered word of the wise

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Q: What are your arguments for or against the use of imperialism as a factor in a nation's foreign policy?
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What arguments did opponents of annexing foreign territories present?

Against Expansion:-Against American ideals-Cost money For Expansion:-power-naval bases-competition among nations-market for goods

How did Mark Twain and Albert J Beveridge differ in their attitude towards imperialism?

Beveridge was for Imperialism while Twain was against imperialism

What are reasons for anti-imperialism?

Imperialism is a foreign policy issue within a nation that allows or permits the particular and more powerful nation to attempt to control the behavior of a weaker nation. This can be called establishing a sphere of influence, or in a more direct manner, placing a military force within a weaker nation. The purpose of imperialism is usually to gain power or wealth at the expense of the weaker nation. Citizens in a democratic nation can voice their opposition to this practice and vote for elected officials who are against imperialism, or also termed anti-imperialism.Anti-imperialists are against imperialism on moral grounds and also other grounds, such as not wanting to place the nations military people at risk or in danger. Nations which have been exploited by imperialism can use various measures to counter imperialists. This can be armed resistance or other means, such as appealing to the United Nations, as one example.

In 1823 how did the President Monroe halt the spread of European imperialism in Latin American?

he prohibited foreign nations from establishing colonies in the Americas

What is the relationship between the age of discovery and imperialism?

A domestic one. The Age of Discovery sent explorers to discover new lands, which allowed for imperialism - the practice by which nations extend their power to foreign lands.

When powerful nations create larger empires by controlling economy and politics weaker nations it is called?

It is called an imperialism. According to the definition of an imperialism is: the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire ornation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holdingcolonies and dependencies.

Did Washington warn foreign nations in his farewell address?

Yes. He warned against keeping permanent foreign alliences.

How did China address Imperialism and How did it compare to how other nations approached Imperialism?


How did European imperialism collapse?

European imperialism collapsed internally when nations resisted Germany's effort to take them over. Externally it collapsed when colonies rebelled against the treatment by the mother country and sought freedom.

Who Colonization of smaller countries by industrial nations for their raw materials is called?


How did us imperialism differ from the imperialism of nations with extractive economies?

the united states sought colonies as market. other nations used colonies' resources

What stimulated us imperialism?

A need for cheap labor, Economic competition w/ nations & political/military competition with other nations spurred US imperialism