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Q: What are the ways in which the presidency is understood to be an independent office?
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He could die, voluntarily resign or be removed from office via the impeachment process. He could temporarily be removed from office because of an inability to perform his duties.

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In what ways did the Great Awakening contribute to the independent spirit of American colonists?

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There are several ways to purchase office accessories for printers in Bristol. You can purchase them online, from internet based stores, you can purchase them online or in-store through large office supply companies such as Staples, Office Max, etc.. Finally, there are several independent stores in Bristol that sell printer accessories.

When did canada become a independent country?

Are they? In many ways Canada is far from independent. Defense is one.

What are ways to give feedback?

Offering a compliment. Nodding at the speaker to acknowledge that you understood what was say.

How has the US presidential term of office changed over time?

Some states have gained and lost electoral votes over time. Ex: Texas had 40, but it decreased to 37.In the past, the President and Vice President ran for office separatelyTechnology has also changed elections in multiple ways, for example, presidential campaigns and polls.

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I guess a smile globaaly understood!

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Imperial Presidency

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You get them from the Post Office.

How do you get in to independent living?

Go to collage get a job, Be an actris There are lots of different ways.