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The two houses of Congress are the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate is the upper house.

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Q: What are the two levels of government?
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Name two levels government of government which can levy taxes?

federal and state

What are the two levels of government in NY?

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What is feederilism?

Federalism is a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government.

What The federal government and the state government are two levels in what kind of government?

This is commonly called federalism.

What two levels of government can levy taxes?

State and FederalThere are far more than two levels of government that can levy taxes. Several different Government Agencies can also levy taxes. Federal, State, and Cities, are some of the levels that can levy income taxes alone.

What two levels of government do you pay income tax to?

The Federal government is the level of government we pay income taxes to.

The federal government and the state government are two levels and what kind of government system?

a federal government system

Which level of government is responsible for regulating USA payday loans?

There are two levels of government responsible for regulating payday loans. These forms of loans are regulated by the federal and state levels of government.

What is a system of shared sovereignty between two levels of government?

Federalism is a system of shared sovereignty between two levels of government. Initially, in the United States, federalism referred to a stronger national government, however the meaning of the term has evolved over the year.

Different levels of government involve in tourism?

The TSA and homeland security are two government organizations that are involved in tourism.

What were the three levels of government in ancient Greece?

There were only two, Assembly and Council