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Q: What are the tactics for creating a totalitarian government?
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What do totalitarian states gain by restricting civil rights?

The people would gain the idea that the government is the answer to everything, using totalitarian tactics such as censorship, media bans, violence, etc..

Government that exerts total control over a nation?

A government that exerts total control over a nation is called a totalitarian regime. In such a system, the government typically regulates every aspect of public and private life, including political, social, economic, and cultural activities, often using tactics like censorship, propaganda, and repression to maintain power. Totalitarian regimes are characterized by limited individual freedoms and a lack of political pluralism.

What are 3 things a totalitarian government controls?

A totalitarian government has complete control over its people.

In a unitary and totalitarian system who makes the laws?

A Totalitarian government is not a single base form of government, it is an administrative type of government that requires a base form of government to exist. You can have a, Totalitarian: Dictatorship, Monarchy, Oligarchy, Democracy, etc. but you cannot have a 'free form totalitarian' government as it has no base existence.

What does a totalitarian do?

A totalitarian dictator does anything he wants to do. There is no check or balance in that sort of government.

What is the best software in creating tactics board simulation?

The best software for creating tactics board simulation is Smart Draw.

What is totalitarian classified as?

The adjective totalitarian describes a form of government in which the government asserts its authority over every aspect of life, and there are no limitations on what the government is allowed to do.

Is Venezuela a totalitarian government?


Who rules the totalitarian government?

A dictator

Is China a totalitarian government?

yes it is

Totalitarian state is a form of?


What problems casued the rise of totalitarian government?

The problems that caused the rise of totalitarian government included mass revolutions from dissatisfied groups.