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I think the main cause was cultural superiority with the idea of 'Darwinism' that some people are born better than others which means someone who was born white or christian or wealthy is better than a skin colored poor person

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11y ago
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11y ago

The arrogance and power of the imperialist power and their agents, (be they English, French, German or whatever) with its "Don't tell me what to do/ I'm the boss here/ I know what's best for you/ We are educated and you are savages" attitude(s) leads to a de-humanizing of the subjected peoples, as well as a de-civilizing and destruction of their culture and language, denial of educational opportunities, creating a slave/master mentality, resulting in supression, repression, depression, lack of self-esteem. As a whole, the subject peoples ,( even under a benign Imperialism), are not given authority over their own lives and peoples, and are not selflessly taught , educated, listened to, appreciated, and actually running their own country including making decisions, such that when it is given independence (whether willingly or not) that it does not fall apart when the governing power leaves and descend into anarchy. You just have to look at Africa to see the resultant mess today.

Another indirect impacts of imperialism are half-breeds (regarded with contempt by both 'sides' ) and prostitution of the native peoples by the imperialist power. For historical examples, you have the British/French/Spanish/Portugese in South America, and for a modern example you have the United States in Vietnam.

Taken overall, imperialism is not really beneficial .

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16y ago

Imperialism led to economic competition and tensions between countries. Eventually, this would lead to countries forming the alliances that would later result in the outbreak of WW1.

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