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Q: What are the features of a healthy democracy?
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What are Main features of democracy?


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Regular elections

What are the main features of representative democracy?

Regular elections

What were the basic features and limitations of greek democracy?

The basic features and limitations of Greek democracy included the women, slaves, and poor having no rights in any form. It was a direct democracy and only men who were land owners were allowed to vote.

Is switerzland entirely a direct democracy?

Switzerland is not entirely a direct democracy. It is the closest state in the world to a direct democracy. Switzerland features a system of government called direct representation.

What are 3 features of a democracy?

Everyone has equal rights, free and fair elections, rule by law not by power-these are the three factors needed for democracy.

What are the main features of a dog?

It' is a happy and healthy dog

What are some features of the social democracy that are common in Europe?

Features of the social democracy common in Europe:Public health care.Democratically elected officials.State-sponsored social programsPromoting the interests of the working classand, subsequentlyhigher taxes

What is true of public service?

it ensures a healthy democracy

What it a democracy?

Democracy is a political government, carried out by a) directly by the peole, or b) by a representitive of the people. 2 Importan features of democracy: 1) Equality before the law 2) Freedom and rights are protected by court

What are the physical features of the kidney?

it is to keep your blood healthy and clean:)