If the government operates effectively, a lot of the times political success is based on economic standings.
...being Politically Incorrect.
Because Canada still recognises the British Monarch as being the monarch of their country, despite being politically separate from the United Kingdom.
It is also known for being a very neutral and stable country
the benefits are you get a lot of money travel the country and fans.
You have the power to try and influence the country and make America better.
A unified Europe, economically and politically. Eventually, the European Union will most likely fuse into one nation on account of it being a supranational organization (acting somewhat as a country already).
Being able to believe what you want without persecution.
you get to serve your country and when your done there are so many jobs you can do after like a firefighter.
There are many benefits to being part of the DFAS Army. Such benefits are extra money deposited into one's MyPay as a means of salary for support and working to defend the country.
Both the Mexican elites who control the country, as well as international capitalists who invest and purchase products from Mexico.
Country vacation vouchers, guard fund and scholarships for children of staff are some of the benefits of being an IPS Officer.