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ADVANTAGES_&_DISADVANTAGES">ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGESAdvantages are that it is extremely responsive to problems.. there is no need to

wait for a committee a group decision or for an oversight committee when the

dictator sees a problem he moves rapidly to fix it.... given a caring responsible

dictator who cares about his people it (can ed.) work very well....

Another advantage is crime. It tends to be very rare in military dictatorships.

disadvantage... military junta's tend to be VERY paranoid about other military

people taking them over... so they respond with disproportionate force when they feel a threat...

also if the dictator is NOT a good person then they are more likely to maintain

control through force and to regard people as expendable resources.

Another set of disadvantages depends on the sort of military Dictatorship. A one-man dictatorship will be red-hot on getting things done, but he may be doing the wrong things. One man cannot know everything about everything, and even with advisers, he simply cannot learn enough about most issues to make an informed decision.

Military juntas (several top officers) often have trouble getting the leaders to agree on a course of action, and negate the "speed of action" advantage. They also tend to waste resources pursuing several courses at once. Juntas have the same information problem as one-man governments. Most of the leaders at the top of a junta are likely to be Generals, not specialists in finance, pollution, welfare policy, etc.

Another disadvantage is corruption. When the army can take whatever they want from the populace and shoot anybody who objects, people tend to start bribing officers very quickly. This can get out of hand very fast, and ruin the country's business climate and leave people unable to complete even the smallest projects without heaps of bribe money. It also leads to the children of prominent military figures being placed in positions for which they are not qualified as an in-kind bribe.

Finally, the actual ability of the military to fight tends to suffer when it is used to keep its own populace in check for too long. A military that is constantly guarding the capital is probably not training to fight their neighbors/other potential enemies.

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12y ago

There are many advantages as well as disadvantages. A major advantage would be the ability to control political policies and establish those policies as one would not have any political rivals that could possibly dispute it. A major disadvantage and probably the most important is the fact that the populace does not have the ability to protest government decisions and therefore there is a risk of civil unrest that could lead to civil war.

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12y ago

demerits of dictatorship......

1. no freedom of expression

2. no freedom of speech

3. misuse of power

4. no rule of constitution

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