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freedom- to make your own choices, things that the government and others cant stop you from doing

representation- in a group choosing the most popular idea

justice- fairness and doing whats right, we relay on justice to protect our rights

equity- everyones needs are reached and treated fairly

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Q: What are the 4 pillars of democracy and what do they mean?
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Is there a fifth pillar of democracy?

No, there are generally considered to be 4 pillars of democracy: justice, equality, freedom and representation

What are the four pillars of democracy of Nigeria?

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What are the four pillars of democracy?

The four pillars of democracy actually are freedoms, representation, equity, and justice for Canada.

What are four pillars of democracy of India?

The four pillars of democracy in India are the legislature, the executive, the judiciary, and the press. These pillars work together to ensure a system of checks and balances and safeguard the democratic principles of justice, equality, and accountability.

What is dis functional democracy?

A functional democracy rises on 5 pillars(well, ideally):Seperated judiciary(1), legistature(2) and executive(3) branches, a free press(4) and effective civil organizations(5). Theoratically if any of the such pillars fail to stand strong, that democracy is not a functional one.

What are the 4 pillars of democracy?

The four pillars of democracy are often identified as the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the press or media. These pillars function to ensure a system of checks and balances, accountability, and transparency in a democratic society.

What are the pillars of democracy in Nigeria?

Transparency, accountability

What do you expect from a democracy?

To be a good sport with otheres, following the pillars of charecter.

What are the four pillars of democracy of India ppt slides?

Liberty, equality, justice and fraternity

What were the 4 pillars of democracy in ancient Athens?

The four pillars of democracy in ancient Athens were the Assembly, where all citizens could participate and vote on important decisions; the Council of 500, which prepared legislation and oversaw daily government affairs; the Courts, where citizens served as jurors and decided legal cases; and the system of Ostracism, where citizens could vote to exile a public figure they deemed dangerous to democracy.

Are the 5 pillars in Mecca?

If you mean the five pillars of Islam, then they are not physical pillars. They pillars of the fundamentals of the Islam religion. they are not bound by places.

What do the five pillars of muslam mean?

The five pillars of a Muslim means 1. Namaaz/ Prayer 2. Roza/ Fast 3. Hajj 4. Zakat 5. Jihad