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Q: What are four limited governments?
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How are unlimited and limited governments alike?

they both have governments and have a ruler

Is Russia have limited or unlimited?

limited because it has different governments

Is russia have limited or unlimited government?

limited because it has different governments

Are most governments in Latin America limited or unlimited?

Limited LOL

What is the main idea of the quote above as it relates to limited and unlimited governments?

Unlimited governments will inherently be corrupt governments.

How long did the Philippines have limited and unlimited governments?

is it limited cause they have to do what the president says

Can you have information on limited and unlimited governments?


Is information from the government limited?

Information from any government is limited by two factors: governments reserve the right to withold information related to security, and governments don't know everything in the first place.

What is true of special district governments?

governing power is very limited

What is difference between limited and unlimited governments?

I think limited government don't have so much to do to help. And I think limited government can make the rules

In what way was Athens democracy limited?

The way Athens democracy was limited because they had different governments and their kings were big shots

What is true of special-district governments?

Their governing power is usually very limited.