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Q: What are examples of non corruption in the government?
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australia, new zealand

What following applies to government corruption in the progressive era?

Government corruption was fought by progressives and muckrakers- apex

What of the applies to government corruption in the progressive Era?

Government corruption was fought by progressives and muckrakers- apex

What are some examples of corruption in the government?

Examples of corruption in government can include bribery, embezzlement of public funds, nepotism, and kickbacks from companies seeking government contracts. These actions undermine the trust of the public in their government and can have serious consequences for a country's political stability and economic development.

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geverment corruption

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Police corruption, politican corruption

How are communist countries doing today?

Poorly, as communism only works in theory. In practice, greed and corruption make it a non-workable government.

What is examples and non-examples of empire?

an example if an empire i sthat it has to havesome sort of government, army, resources, etc.

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roosevelt was interested in fighting corruption and reforming govenment

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An example of a civilization is the Aztecsand a non example is a place that did not have a well sstructured society and doesnt have a government,workers who specialize, and have cities

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the corruption

What applies to government corruption in the 19th century?

corruption was accepted by all as a good way to do business