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the democratic or republican parties there is also the independent party but that is not a major party

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Q: What are examples of major party in the US?
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What is a major party in the US?

The two major political parties are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.

What are examples of a splinter party?

Examples of splinter parties include the Bull Moose Party, formed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, and the Reform Party, founded by Ross Perot in 1995. These parties broke off from the existing major parties due to disagreements over policies or leadership.

The dominant political party in the US?

major parties

What are the US 2 major political party?

Republican and Democrat.

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Is the Republican Party considered a third party?

NOT AT ALL, Since 1860, the Republican Party has been one of the two major US parties.

What is any party that has less support than one of the major political parties in the US is?

Any party that has less support than one of the major political parties in the United States is known as a minor party.

How do you use the neighbors and us in a sentence?

Sure! Here are examples: "The neighbors are having a barbecue this weekend." "Can you let us know if the package arrives?" "The neighbors and us are planning a block party together."

What are the two major political parties in the unite state?

democratic and republican

What are the two major political parteies in the US?

The Republicans and Democrats are the two major parties currently in the US. The Republican Party has declined much since the Bush Regime and the party is currently being led by the Congressman from Texas, Dr. Ron Paul.

What are some political parties going on in the US in 2012?

The major parties are the Republican and Democratic parties. Third-parties include the Liberatarian Party, the Green Party, the American Party, and the Constitution Party.