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Accelerators to Filipino nationalism include movements and revolutions to transform. Decelerators to Filipino nationalism include religious prejudices and the belief in keeping old traditions.

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Q: What are accelerators and decelerators to Filipino Nationalism?
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Enumerate the Filipino nationalism accelerators and decelerators?

Decelerators: 1. Geographic barriers 2. The lack of communication and transportation structures 3. Presence of travel passports (papeletas de permiso) and other permits (caritas de radio) 4. Linguistic differences and absence of a common language 5. Spanish policy of divide et impera (divide and rule) Accelerators: 1. Spanish colonialism 2. The influx of liberal ideas 3. Racial discrimination 4. Rise of middle classes 5. Secular and Regular conflicts 6. The execution of the Gomburza

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It is us the Filipino who is the most greatest threat of Filipino Nationalism

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iyot lun permamente

What are the significance of the execution of gomburza?

because it rise the filipino nationalism of the Philippines.

Is there a need of reawakening the filipino nationalism?

yes, nationalism is a vital part to a country's success. Building a country without some form of nationalism is akin to building on the foundations of sand.

Why it is important filipino nationalism?

because "otan" og "mongos" tag senkong "5" takos..............hahhahahah

What was the role of the ilustrados in the development of nationalism in the Philippines?

the role of illustrados are to easing the sufferings of the filipino; and also wanted to have reforms

What are the five factors that delayed the development of filipino nationalism?

The five factors that delayed the development of Filipino nationalism were: colonial policy of divide and rule, lack of a unified national language, limited access to education for Filipinos, religious divisions among Filipinos, and suppression of nationalist movements by colonial authorities.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Decelerators - 2012?

The cast of The Decelerators - 2012 includes: Sarah Anne Gibson Evan Curry William Daniel Buller Amy Didemus Ohara Hale Heather Lewenza Aaron Nathaniel Standen

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