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Q: What are Conflict and Consensus view of politics in Nigeria?
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What is the conflict and consensus perspective on the role of education in understanding globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What is the conflict and consensus Perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What is the consensus in Perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What is the conflict and perspective and the role of education in understanding globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What is the conflict in Perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

Why did politics come out?

Politics has been variously described as the art of the possible and the continuation of war or conflict by other means. Born out of the reasonable assumption that mankind does not wish to be in physical conflict and disagreement continuously. It is probably best said to be compromise between opposing points of view.

What the conflict view of crime?

In contrast to the consensus perspective, the conflict view depicts society as a collection of diverse groups - owners, workers, professionals, students - who are in constant and continuing conflict. Criminal laws are created to protect the haves from the have-nots. In the conflict view, the definition of crime is controlled by wealth, power, and position and not by moral consensus or the fear of social disruption. Crime is a political concept designed to protect the power and position of the upper classes at the expense of the poor. A conflict theorist would see the following as crimes: violations of human rights, unsafe working conditions, inadequate childcare, inadequate opportunities for employment and education, substandard housing, pollution of the environment, price fixing, police brutality, assassinations, and war making.

What is the consensus view on crime?

the consensus view on crime states that society as a majority agree on what behaviors should be oulawed. It states that law defines crimes, which are behaviors believed to be distasteful to all elements of society.

The point of view held by most people is called?

The majority. consensus

What is Consensus view?

Consensus view is a perspective in criminology that suggests that laws represent the interests of the majority of individuals in society. It posits that laws are created based on shared norms and values, and that those who violate these laws are seen as threatening to the social order.

What is the social conflict approach sometimes receives criticism for?

The social conflict approach sometimes receives criticism for oversimplifying complex social issues into binary conflicts between dominant and subordinate groups, overlooking the role of cooperation and consensus in society, and promoting a deterministic view of social change based solely on power dynamics.

Is oshodi a city in Nigeria?

Oshodi is not a city in Nigeria. Oshodi is an area in Lagos State of Nigeria. you can view more area of Lagos State, just check the link.